Join Redmond Cycling Club
Started in 1978, the Redmond Cycling Club is a non-profit club dedicated to creating a small community for experienced cyclists who love challenging cycling. The club reaches out to cyclists in Redmond and throughout the Eastside, Seattle communities and the Pacific Northwest.
Membership Benefits
Take a few moments to review the information on our website to learn about our club and what we have to offer. Club membership provides access to RCC Club Rides, meetings and events throughout the year. Consider joining us!
Join for the People
There are many reasons to join a cycling club but the best reason to join the Redmond Cycling Club is to meet new people who have the same passion and interest for cycling as you do. If you know RAMROD or you know one of our Club Tours or Club Rides, then you know the types of cyclists who participate and volunteer to make these events happen every year. We hold club meetings four times each year to get together, enjoy some food and discuss cycling. If you're looking to meet new people who share your passion for cycling, come to one of our club meetings or rides and say 'hello'.
Join for the Rides
Our Club Rides will take you throughout the state of Washington on beautiful routes from the Puget Sound, to rolling hills in the low-lands, to climbs in the Cascades and Olympics and to the dry side of Eastern Washington during the rainy season.
Membership Fee
An annual RCC membership is just $20.00 for individual and $30.00 for families. The membership fee covers expenses for insuring Club Rides, holding Club Meetings and maintaining our website and communications. The membership fee is low because the Redmond Cycling Club is possible only through the many hours that its passionate volunteers put into the club.
More Information
If you have any questions and would like to know more about the Redmond Cycling Club, you can attend one of our meetings, or send e-mail to ramrod@redmondcyclingclub.